Tagged: vegas

vegas 2013

I just sat down back on my couch in LA after what was another great weekend in Vegas. I went out there with some of my best friends and family. The food we had this time was incredible. I managed to break even for the entire weekend after all the money I spent on food, shopping, etc from the little bit of gambling money I won. I am looking forward to staying at the Mirage again. They took awesome care of me! Here’s a quick pic of the view from my room from my cheap pocket camera.


vegas almost fun

Well I’m back from my summer Vegas trip to end all trips. The trip was going awesome until the 2nd day when I got the worst food poisoning ever. I’ll spare all the details, but I was out of it for a while. When I got enough energy to drive back we left early. I’m glad that we all came back safe though in the end. I’m looking forward to the next time I can make it out there for a sick free experience.


Finally! I’ve been looking forward to this trip for several months now. It was a much needed time away from the daily grind. I got to spend it with some of my favorite people and my favorite girl. We got to eat at some of the best places on the strip. We stayed at my usual spot at the Palazzo which is awesome. I always make sure to get a strip view room. It just makes everything that much better. I definitely could’ve spent another day out there. I’m thinking we’ll make another trip this summer. I went several times last year. I hope I can do the same this year also.